Murray Cod

Natural Range: The Murray Darling River System (includes the Cudgegong, Macquarie, Lachlan and Abercrombie River’s).
Identification Issues: Similar appearance to the endangered Trout Cod.
Closed Season:  All inland waters from September to November Inclusive.
Stocking: Dams in the wester watershed of the Central Tablelands such as Wyangala, Windamere, Rylstone, Gosling Creek, Dunns Swamp, Carcoar, Canobolas, Burrendong, Burraga and Ben Chifley Dam’s.
Bag & Size Limit: Legal length: 60 cm. Bag limit: 2 (only 1 over 100 cm).
Possession Limit: 4 (only 1 over 100 cm).

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