Wentworth Falls Lake is a small water storage that was originally built to supply water for steam trains in 1878 well before the Blue Mountains Railway was electrified. The lake is now used only for recreation and is regularly stocked with trout.
Electric BBQ’s are located at the park on the southern side of the lake. There is a childrens play area and a small jetty which is not suitable for fishing as it is in very shallow water but can be used to launch a canoe.

Bait fishing is very popular but lures and fly will also take fish.
The most popular fishing locations are from the bank west of the boat ramp to the top of the dam, the spillway at the northern end of the dam wall and from the spillway along the bank adjacent to the first 100m of walk way on the northern side of the lake.
Brown trout tend to take worms and small yabbies while rainbows are more commonly caught on PowerBait.
The odd brown is spotted in the shallow area at the western end of the dam and this is where fly fishing is best.
Redfin Perch are now being caught in the dam.
Power boats are not permitted however canoes and kayaks can be used.
WARNING: There are some water quality issues with this storage. It is down stream of a golf course (chemicals pestercides and fertalisers are used on golf courses upstream) and there are a large number of houses within the catchment of the lake. Eating large quantities of fish from this lake is not recommended.
Max Water Depth: 6m
Capacity: 300Ml
Regulations: General Trout Dam.
Two attended rods per person. Two hooks per rod (with up to 3 hooks per artificial fly or lure) or 3 (where those hooks are artificial flies or lures).
Trout size limit 25cm. Trout bag limit 5 fish.
Yabbies: Yabby trips and nets are not permitted.