Wellington NSW

Burrendong Dam

A very large water storage primarily used for irrigation, Lake Burrendong can be low for many years as a result of drought conditions and then fills rapidly following heavy rain. The dam holds large numbers of native fish, as well as redfin, carp and a few trout.

The best public access point is Burrendong State Recreation Area on the western side of the dam.  Mookerawa Waters Park located on the Macquarie River Arm, is also a popular place to stay and fish. Both areas have a boat ramp although launch conditions vary depending on the weather and lake level.

Accommodation can also be obtained on the northern side of the dam where the Cudgegong River Arm meets the Meroo River Arm at the end of Burrendong Dam Road. Access is via Hill End or Mudgee.

Burrendong Dam
Photo: Copyright State Water

Fish Species: Redfin Perch, Golden Perch, Catfish, Silver Perch, Murray Cod, Carp, Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout

Fishery Overview: Redfin are a very common catch and should not be returned to the water as they are considered a pest species. Golden and Silver Perch are taken regularly with bait and lures, while Murray Cod are caught more regularly in the spring. Catfish are normally taken from the bank with bait while, trout are not a regular catch these days. Trout are usually taken in the smaller streams of the area.

Tips: The vast majority of native fish are taken with lures such as lipless crankbaits and stump jumpers. Trolling and lure casting from boats being the most popular method. Redfin are also taken on these lures as well as by jigging.

Yellow Belly are also commonly caught from the bank using yabbies and worms, particularly from spring to autumn. Best fishing is in the warmer months.

WARNING! Conditions on the lake can change quickly. Be ready for all extreme weather and always pay close attention to the weather forecast before you get in a boat. Do not go out if there is a risk of strong winds or storms.

A video of cod fishing on Lake Burrendong by Sean Glover.

