Belabula River

Belubula River is part of the Lachlan catchment. The river rises between Bathurst and Orange and generally flows south west flowing through Carcoar Lake, before reaching its mouth at the Lachlan River.

The name is derived from the Australian Aboriginal meaning for stony river or big lagoon. The original inhabitants of the land alongside the Belubula River are the Wiradjuri people.

The main towns on the river are Blayney, Carcoar, and Canowindra.

The Belabula River and its tibutaries holds a range of native fish species. Silver Perch are found in the lower river and at impoundments. Silver perch are protected in the River, but not in the lakes. The most prolific native species are Murray Cod and Golden Perch. These two species are popular targets for recreation fishermen particularly lower down the stream.

Introduced fish found in the river include European Carp, Redfin Perch, Rainbow and Brown Trout. It was once a popular trout fishery but car and redfin are more coman than trout in many places.,362140187n