The Macquarie starts its flow where the Campbell’s and Fish River’s meet above Bathurst. It ambles through Bathurst, Wellington, Dubbo, the Macquarie Marshes and on to the Barwon River near Brewarrina. This page looks at the river as it flows through the Central Tablelands (generally those waters up stream of Wellington).
The Macquarie River and its tributaries holds a range of Native Fish including the protected River Blackfish and Trout Cod. Silver Perch are also found in the lower river and near impoundments. Silver perch are protected in the River, but not in Burrendong Dam. The most prolific native species in the Macquarie are Murray Cod and Golden Perch. These two species are popular targets for recreation fishermen particularly near Burrendong and further towards the rivers lower reaches.
Introduced fish found in the river include European Carp, Redfin Perch, Rainbow and Brown Trout. Rainbow Trout are the most commonly targeted fish upstream of Burrendong. Along with carp it is probably the most prolific species in the upper section of river.
Above Lewis Ponds Creek the Macquarie River and its tributaries (including Lewis Ponds Creek) are considered General Trout Stream under NSW fishing regulations.
Open Season: The trout season start at the beginning of the October long weekend and finishes at the end of June long weekend.
Trout Bag & Size Limit: 5 fish. 25cm
Bait fishing in the river at Bathurst is popular as you can catch a range of species with the same bait. Try using corn curnels, worms, cubes of cheese or powerbait.
Fly fishing with bead head wooly buggers is the best of the year round fly methods and spinning with small stump jumpers, blades, minnows, and celters have you in with a chance of catching a range of fish.
Just downstream Eglinton holds similar fish in similar water to Bathurst. The parks here give good public access and the fishing pressure here is a little less than it is in Bathurst.
Fish this area as described above for Bathurst.
Lake Burrendong
This is a very large water storage that has been badly drought effected in recent years. There is good public access to this Lake in a number of locations with the best access from the Wellington side. The redfin perch have increased in numbers, but you can still catch big Murray cod and yellow belly (golden perch) in the lake and in the Macquarie River above and below the dam.
For more info about fishing Lake Burrendong click here
The Bridle Trail
This historic track (4×4 only) from Hill End to Bathurst takes a path along side Macquarie River and Turon River and has 6 camping sites. The rivers can not be accessed for the full length of the track, however the areas of river that can legally be reached from the road offer some good fishing. Contact Bathurst visitors centre for more information on (02) 6332 1444 or online at
Other places to fish
There are a number of streams that feed the Macquarie River that offer very good fishing. Some have special regulations that apply to them so check with the DPI before you fish.
These include Little River (meets the Macquarie just down stream of Wellington)
Bell River at Wellington (meets the Macquarie at Wellington)
Cudgeegong River (meets the Macquarie at Burrendong)
Meroo River (meets the Macquarie at Burrendong)
Black Willow Creek (meets the Macquarie at Burrendong)
Curragurra Creek (meets the Macquarie upstream of Burrendong)
Pyramul Creek (meets the Macquarie upstream of Burrendong)
Lewsi Ponds Creek (meets the Macquarie upstream of Burrendong)
Tambaroora Creek (meets the Macquarie upstream of Burrendong)
Turon River (meets the Macquarie upstream of Burrendong)
Winburndale Rivi (meets the Macquarie upstream of Burrendong)
Swallow Creek (meets the Macquarie down stream of Bathurst)
Queen Charlottes Creek (meets the Macquarie at Bathurst)