
Every fisherman
has a responsibility to minimise their impact on the environment. This
covers a code of environmental ethics and principals all fishermen
uphold whenever and where ever they fish.
Many of the fishable locations mentioned on this site are within
Parks, Nature Reserves, Crown Reserves and State Forest.
When fishing such areas it is even more important to ensure we minimise
impact we have, particularly given that we are entering sensitive plant
animal habits.
1) Respect - Treat the fish you catch humanely. Kill them with
a sharp
blow to the head or by breaking their neck immediately. If catch and
fishing, use barbless hooks and return fish to the water as quickly as
Be respectful of other fishermen, bushwalkers, water skiers, land
rangers and any other users of the waterway that you meet on your
adventures even if you do not see eye to eye. Avoid damaging the
riverbed or bush when on a fishing adventure. Obey the law and fishing
regulations at all times. Help others learn about fishing, fishing
and the environment. Do what you can to help improve the environment by
time to assist local landcare groups with the removal of willows or
pest fish
such as carp or redfin from the waterway.
2) Rubbish
- Take your rubbish
with you when you leave. Do not leave guts or scales on the bank or
site. Ensure old fishing line and snagged lures are not left in trees
or water
as they can trap birds and animals such as platypus. It is a good idea
to avoid
light lines that are more likely to snap when snagged.
3) Toilet
- Go before you
leave! If you have to go while on a fishing trip make sure you do your
at least 100m from the waters edge, as human waste can cause serious
problems if it gets into our water ways. Make sure you berry it in a
hole about
15cm deep.
4) Tracks & Travel -
When bush walking stick to formed tracks where
possible. If there are no man made tracks follow animal trails rather
making your own track. When driving stick to formed roads, and travel
at a
reasonable speed. Do not drive in a way or in places that may cause
particularly given that sediment from erosion can clog fish spawning
and make water cloudy and difficult to fish.
When wading, wear felt sole boots and avoid soft/undercut sections of
bank. Try
to avoid knocking slime from the rocks/logs as the slime/weed protects
from damage as they slide over the surface of these structures.
5) Do not disturb -
Simply do your best to leave the environment as you
found it. Don't remove native plants or animals. If you see wild
animals do not
harass them or feed them, as this kind can disturb their normal
patterns of
Just enjoy being in the bush and make sure it remains pristine for
6) Don't forget to be well prepared for your trip
Get to know the area you plan to fish (talk to people who have fished
the area
before, get a map, ensure you have access to communications, organise
appropriate clothing for the area and time of year, and consider how
much food
and drink you will need). Give a copy of your trip plan to a loved one
in case
you don't return on time. If you are going on an overnight trip, leave
a copy
with the local police or national parks office. Make sure you check the
report before you go.
If the weather looks bad don't go or change your trip plan.
Safe and
happy fishing