Fish River
was once a famous trout stream which had a reputation for producing
very large trout.
However successive years of drought, silt build-up, heavy infestations
of willows,
and the ever increasing extraction of water via the Fish River Scheme
combined to reduce the health of the fishery.
Fish River starts its
flow as a series of small puddles in the hills of Vulcan State Forest
at close
to 1300m above sea level. It then progresses north toward Oberon Dam
where the
volume of water is great enough to hold some very large trout.
Oberon Dam wall
Fish River continues north (fishing is not permitted for 400m down
stream of
the dam wall). Upstream of Hampton State Forest the Duckmaloi River and
Creek empty into the river increasing the flow of the Fish River
They both hold good numbers of brown trout.
the Fish River reaches
the Tarana area it meets Solitary Creek (a small stream that holds a
few trout)
and heads west towards O’Connell. Downstream of O’Connell, at
700m above sea level, the Fish River and Campbell’s River join to form
Macquarie River.
catches of trout in Fish River have
been down in recent years
there is still good sport to be had in many places. The upper river
Tarana) generally holds brown trout (fish of 40-50cm are not uncommon)
and the
lower river has mostly small but very energetic rainbow trout (average
size of

Image: Fish River at O'Connell. © Tim Williams
As a tributary of the upper
Macquarie River (above Lewis Ponds Creek) the Fish River is considered
a General Trout Stream under NSW fishing regulations.
Open Season: Start of the October long weekend to the end of
June long weekend.
Trout Bag & Size Limit: 5 fish. 25cm
For more info visit NSW DPI Website - www.dpi.nsw.gov.au
Public Access
State Forest and Black Hole Bend Crown Reserve
This is very good fishing spot that not a lot of people know about.
This is because the roads are often difficult to drive and access to
this area can be difficult because the fire trails are not
always in good condition. Roads in the forest are often closed for
logging which is also a frustration for some. It may be a good idea to
ride a bike or walk to the river as you can make safe passage this way.
The best entry point to the state forest is via Cuthill Road (off Rydal
Hampton Road). The fire trails follow the ridge lines and spurs down to
the river. Many of the small creeks in the area can be fished, so keep
any eye on the little water for trout. You may get a 4x4 vehicle in
here but be prepared to walk to the river if the road condition are not
good. The roads are usually at their worst after periods of wet
You can also get into the forest by crossing Wicketty War Creek, from
Wicketty War Road. This creek fishes well
and the road is a little closer to the Fish River than Cuthill Road,
however there is now a locked gate on this road which means vehicle
access is not possible. The gate was locked to prevent hunters for
accessing the state forest from this road. You can ride a bike or walk
down the road but it is suggested that you contact the land owner
before doing so.
Black Hole Bend holds some great trout and the best methods over the
warmer months are dry flies (E.G. royal wulff's, ant patterns and white
moths) and nymphs. In the cooler part of the season using a strike
indicator in rapids with bead head nymph works very well. Black Wooly
Buggers are an option all the time.
Celter's and small minnows are the first lures to try.
Click here for Map
Flat Rock
Picnic Area
Flat Rock is a public reserve on Mutton Falls Road between the towns of
Tarana and O'Connell. The area holds good numbers of Rainbow Trout. It
is a very popular spot for camping and fishing.
The best thing about this spot is that has easy access and there are
plenty of fish due to recent stocking events, although the rivers could
do with more water in this area as levels have dropped a long way in
recent times.
Spinning with celter's is popular, although fly fishing with dry and
wet flies works well here.
Click here for Map
The park next to the bridge at O'Connell offers easy access to the
river and holds some good fish. The river is effected by heavy willow
infestations, sand build-up and thick weed beds which can make catching
fish a little harder. Try casting with shallow swimming lures or dry flies under trees in the shade where the trout
have some cover and over weed
beds in the deeper pools.
The large number of willows make fishing difficult with fly gear.
Spinning with celter's and very small tassie devils is worth a try.
Bate drifting is a good option here. You will need a bubble float. Try
using live grass hoppers on a small hook and light three to four foot
leader (greased with floatant). Half fill the bubble float with water
to add weight and cast well upstream of rising fish and allow the grass
hopper to drift well past the fish on a dead drift, before retrieving
the bait. Take care not to spook fish with the float. You can also use
this method with moths after dark.
Click here for Map
Crown Reserve (Tarana Gorge)
Evans Crown Reserve is located near Tarana. To access the river drive
past the car park for Evans Crown Reserve (located at the top of the
hill) and head down the road to the lower half of the reserve. Park the
car near the small Nation Park sign near the bottom of the hill (This is where the reserve borders private
land). You should be able to
see the river in the valley down the hill. Jump the fence into
the reserve and walk along the fence line of the reserve down hill to
the river. Stay on the north side of the river and avoid private land.
Click here for Map
The river runs through Tarana Gorge in the valley at the back of Evans
Crown. The river has a mix of rocky granite rapids and sandy pools.
This a good area for fly fishing and spinning.
You can not fish the
water directly below the dam wall (it is closed for 400m), but above
Oberon Dam the river fishes very well. The only issue being public
access. When the dam is low you can walk up to the river from the Reef
Reserve (this is because below the high water make is crown land), but
when the dam is full this is not possible without crossing private
land. You need to get permission from the land owners if you wish fish
the river in this case.
There are currently no other upstream points where public ownership
allows access to the river for fishing.
For more info about fishing Oberon Dam click here.
Click here for Map
Other places
to fish in the area
River, Campbell's River, Wicketty War
Creek, and Off Flats Creek.