The River Lett is a small river
which flows through the Hartley Valley between Lithgow and Mt
Victoria. It is a tributary of the Cox's River, which it meets at
Glenroy on Jenolan Caves Road. This river has a rich pre and post
settlment history.

It has long been stocked with trout and it does fish well for a river
of its size. The best public access points are near the historic
village of Hartley. Hartley reserve is located at the start of Jenolan
Caves Road near the Great Western Highway. This section of river
normally holds rainbow trout of 25cm to 30cm, but there is the odd
brown trout of a larger size.
The river is often discoloured and this can make fishing more
difficult. If the river is particularly brown try bead head flies, as
they are easier for the fish to see. If it is clear then just choose
your favourate patern to suit the conditions.
Celters are easy to fish is the stream as the water is quite shallow.
Smaller sizes are best.

As a tributary of the upper
Cox's River (above Little River) the River Lett is considered
a General Trout Stream under NSW fishing regulations.
Open Season: Start of the October long weekend to the end of
June long weekend.
Trout Bag & Size Limit: 5 fish. 25cm
For more info visit
NSW DPI Website - www.dpi.nsw.gov.au